Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Seimnar day after tomorrow

Koshish foundation had some wireless networking equipment to donate to our department at NED. We decided to arrange a seminar and after that seminar, Koshish would hand over the equipment. I suggested Tariq Mustafa from Supernet, he did not oblige our request for seminar. Very bad. I suggested Dr. Athar Mahboob and his organization said they could not do anything about it before June. Must be because they are in the education and training business, so why does one expect them to spare their employee for a free seminar.
In the end, to secure the transfer of equipment before summer vaccation, I volunteered myself to conduct a seminar on Mobile IP on Thursday, June 2, 2005 from 2 pm to 3:30 pm. Let's see how it goes.

1 comment:

Ali Khan said...

Good luck sir... you're always up in front to do something new, something better, something extra for your students. We Nedianz (although we have passed out last year) are so proud of you...